Brain Teasers and IQ points > Brain Teasers
Here you can compete live with other online players and win IQ points.In these brain teaser games, you can specify a nickname for yourself or use your original username to participate.

There are two games, Othello and 4 in the row that is randomly selected by the system.We recommend before you play each game you read the general guide. In this section, you can compete with other players to gain intelligence points.
Intelligence points play an important role in many stages of the game such as to train a hero. You can participate in any IQ games, if you win, depending on your opponent and size of the population you get between 3 to 5 points. If you lose you get 2 negative points.
After selecting "START GAME" you must wait till another player joins the game, then a game type is chosen randomly by the server.
Note: If one of the players withdraw after the game has started they will lose the game and points will be deducted from their account.