Story and rules of the game > Cash and non-cash prizes

In any Kingsera servers, we give the following cash prizes to player’s who complete the required tasks within the game.
Treasures and awards:
+ + The Eternal scripture is the greatest treasure of the server. On most servers, there is only one and in some servers maybe two in the Ginghiz’s cities. The Eternal scripture is the only treasure that is preserved in the Ginghiz’s city while the others are in kept in the camps.
+ Conquering the “Eternal scripture” $70.
+ Conquering the small “Eternal scripture” $30.
+ Securing the "Eternal scripture" (defending it for 3 days) $100.
+ Securing the small “Eternal scripture” (defending it for 3 days) $50.

+ + The golden keys are the legendary treasures and important for the Ginghiz and are essential for the player that want to win the "Eternal scripture 
+ Capturing a gold key $20 
+ Securing the Golden key (defending it for 7 days) $40.

+ + The silver keys and the treasure chests are a magnificent treasure when they are matched. The player must store the chest and the silver key in the same Treasury.
+ Capturing a silver key, a chest and stored $30.

+ + The Kingsera coins: In the course of the game, we will distribute more than 50 thousand gold coins. (The bags are 500, 200, 100, 50, 20 and 10) 
Players can win and use them in the game.

How the Ginghiz treasures are released into the game on each server:
The Ginghiz treasures enter the game at random after a certain period of the game (one-sixth of the time length) on each server. The release of the treasures is independently in the 4 sections of the map 4 times in every 24 ours.
- The Golden keys and bundles of coins enter the game after one-sixth of the length of the server.
- The silver keys and chests enter the game after two-sixth the length of the server.
- The “Eternal scripture” enter the game in the last days. This is the only treasure that can be found in the Ginghiz’s cities.

* Note: The small “Eternal scripture” will only be on some servers with the grand prize.
Note: For more information about the Ginghiz Treasures and Ginghiz’s camps please click the blue links.