Story and rules of the game > How to start the game

In this game you are a warrior in charge of a city, the residents of the city are dependent on you for the management of the resources in the city.
You need to increase the production of the available resources in order to create an army and build facilities in the city.
You should remember that as every day passes your enemy gets stronger, therefore you must be quick to build your town and increase your resources to have a strong defence.
How to play the strategy game, depends on how long the server has started and how quickly you can build your city without established players attacking you, or how quickly you join an alliance (the longer the server has started there are more chances of you being attacked).
In the beginning of the game the "Character Guide" will appear on the right side of the screen and will help you step by step on how to build your city, with rewards on the way.
While you are using the guide you can use your own initiative to build any facility you would like (for example you can build a Barracks to produce troops) but don’t cancel the guide till the course has finished (if you cancel the guide you can’t reinstate him).
Newcomers have a period of the game under protection. While you are under protection you can build your army, increase the level of defence and attack in the academy and join an alliance for team protection and cooperation.
When you build a palace in your city you can start building your second city through the palace. Try to have a strong army to withstand the attack by the demons and wild tribes.